Tuesday 29 December 2009

Outsourced Payment Processing Vs In-House

If you are a company that participates in eCommerce and stores, processes, or transmits credit card data, you are required to be PCI compliant. In other words, there is a certain set of standardized security protocols that you must adhere to. For those who don’t, the Payment Card Industry has also instituted a number of stiff fines and penalties.

The quicker a merchant becomes PCI compliant the quicker they can lay those worries to rest. And a merchant has two choices that they can take. One: outsourced payment processing. Two: in-house solutions. Which one is better? And which is more accessible?

If a merchant attempts to take care of their payment processing in-house, there will be a number of issues they will immediately have to deal with. From the start there are hardware and software installs that are complex and costly. And then are you even sure that you’ve got the best possible system? And then there’s the issue with maintenance and upgrades. Technology never stops evolving, and criminals are always looking for new methods to break into your system. Can you keep up?

Outsourced payment processing, on the other hand, means that you are entrusting your information to a company that specializes in maintaining top flight security and has the resources to devote to staying up-to-date. When you outsource your payment processing solutions you never have to worry about IT maintenance or hardware and software upgrades.

In-house payment processing also has a very steep learning curve. Not only do you have to implement software and hardware solutions, but you’ve got to learn the intricacies associated with them. As busy merchant, do you have the time to start up that long hike?

If you take a little time to find the right company for your outsourced payment processing needs, you can find a company with the knowledge and experience to help you set up for processing payments as well as keeping you updated as your company continues to grow.

PCI compliance consists of 12 separate requirements, made up of over 200 individual security controls. Compliance is not a simple thing to achieve, and can take anywhere from 6 to 18 month to accomplish in-house. These requirements range from installing firewalls and virus protection to limiting physical access to logging and reporting on every action taken on sensitive systems.

Wen you choose outsourced payment processing solutions, however, you can significantly cut down the time required to achieve compliance. Why? Because all the new procedures and standards required by the PCI DSS are already in place. The precautions, the security, and, most importantly, the support are already positioned to help your company with your PCI needs.

Outsourced payment processing is also a good choice for the long run. If your planning on staying in business for any length of time, then your business must grow. As it grows, the demands on your payment processing system will also grow. In-house means money out of your own pocket to install upgrades. If you’ve outsourced your payment processing to the right company like merchantsolutionsllc.com, however, you can grow as fast as needed without having to expend significant resources on the effort.

So are there any benefits to payment processing in-house? Some. But only if your company really has the time, people, and resources to do it properly.

As more and more stories about security breaches and compromised personal information reach the public notice, the Payment Card Industry is going to start coming down harder on merchants who fail to reach compliance. The fines and penalties will continue to get worse because the success of the PCI depends on maintaining the integrity of their service.

As such, the sooner you become PCI compliant, the sooner you can experience the benefits. And outsourced payment processing is one of the best ways to reach compliance quickly and effectively.

Check our products about Merchant Accounts & Credit Card Processing Terminal:

Sunday 27 December 2009

ECommerce Credit Card Processing Risks

PC based credit card processing solutions are uniquely vulnerable to security breaches and other potentially costly issues. Before you set up your small business merchant accounts, it is a good idea that you understand where the risks are in accepting card payments and how you can minimize them. Your credit card merchant processor should be available to help you. The risks can broadly be divided into two groups: fraudulent transactions and processing errors or inaccuracies.

There are a number of services to help you fight credit card processing fraud. All major credit card networks and companies have implemented a three- (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) or four-digit (American Express) security code that is inscribed on the back (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) or front (American Express) of each credit or debit card. The purpose of these codes is to ensure that the cardholder is in physical possession of the card. Another credit card payment processing security tool is the Address Verification System (AVS). It is designed to verify the identity of the person attempting to make a card payment. The system checks the numeric portions of the provided billing address and compares it to the ones that the card issuing company has on file. For example, if the address that is being verified is 5900 Central St., Cambridge, MA 02143, the AVS checks 5 900 and 02143. If there is an apartment number in the address, the system may check it as well.

The most common processing errors that plague eCommerce merchant accounts are inaccurate transaction information and improper authorization. Because payments are accepted over the internet, the information has to be key entered, instead of read from the card’s magnetic strip. It is easy to understand how this process can generate significantly more inaccuracies than a manual credit card processing operation. Merchants need to double check the payment details in order to reduce potential chargebacks. Authorizations present another challenge. Transactions should not be forced through if authorizations fail and, although credit card processing companies offer them, voice authorizations should be avoided as they don’t provide a record that can be represented in a case of a chargeback.

As you see, internet credit card payment processing solutions require closer attention than their face-to-face merchant account processing counterparts. Yet, with the proper system in place, virtual transactions can be almost as secure.

More from: merchant solutions llc

Thursday 24 December 2009

Card Processing Risk For Travel Agencies

Card Processing Risk For Travel Agencies

Before they set up an eCommerce travel agency, merchants should understand the potential sales agent liability associated with selling air fares online. Understanding risk exposure will help you take adequate steps to minimize it and protect your travel agency from losses associated with chargebacks resulting from customer disputes and fraudulent transactions. As a sales agent of an airline, for example, your travel agency may be liable for the entire amount of an airline ticket if it is successfully disputed by the customer or purchased with a stolen card account number. To mitigate risk, you need to establish eCommerce policies and procedures to address the following issues:

An authorization request that is approved by a card issuer indicates that the account is in a good standing. However, the transaction authorization approval is not a proof that the legitimate cardholder is making the purchase, nor is it a guarantee of payment. Be advised that, in most cases, airlines are liable for fraudulent card-not-present transactions, even when they were approved by the card issuer. As a travel agency, your organization may not necessarily be a Visa or MasterCard merchant subject to the Credit Card Associations’ rules and regulations. However, the airline is a Visa and MasterCard merchant and it is subject to their rules and regulations. Be advised that, in most fraud-related transactions, the airline transfers financial liability to the travel agency it has partnered with as part of the contractual agreement. In such cases your organization will bear the full financial responsibility.

Given the above examples, it is understandable why travel agencies are included among the highest-risk card processing merchants on both Visa’s and MasterCard’s lists. When selecting a payment processing partner to provide your merchant services, be sure to choose one with experience in working with travel agencies and other high-risk merchants. Your processor must be able to assist you in developing and implementing your fraud-prevention procedures and be proactive in identifying and correcting potential weak spots in your processing cycle.

More from: merchant solutions llc

Wednesday 23 December 2009

PayPal Vs Traditional Merchant Accounts

PayPal Vs Traditional Merchant Accounts

Now that you have your online store you need the ability to charge your customers for the goods they purchase. While it is possible to have customers send you a check or money order, at which time you would release their goods, the more traditional method of online commerce involves setting up some type of merchant account which processes customer’s credit cards and then puts the money in your bank account. What is a merchant account you ask? A merchant account is any company (often a bank or other financial institution) who processes credit cards on behalf of a merchant (you). Most of the large American banks such as Bank of America, Chase, etc. have merchant services while other companies specialize in merchant services and don’t have other banking facilities such as branches, ATMs and traditional checking and savings accounts. Merchant accounts apply to your online store; however, this is the same type of merchant account you may have for your in-store credit card terminal.

Once the internet gets involved, there needs to be a “gateway” between your website, and your credit card merchant. Often companies will lead you to believe that they process your credit cards online when offering you their services, when really they are bundling their services with an online gateway. One of the most well known online gateways is Authroize.net. Authorize.net offers many services that allow you the merchant a way to process credit cards including setting up a custom website, integrating your merchant account with eBay and setting up automated recurring billing for your customers services and subscriptions. However, Authorize.net does not process your credit cards, not a single penny. Authorize.net acts as the go between, between you and your bank. You simply give Authorize.net your merchant ID number and they facilitate your transaction. Often customers such as yourself may be turned off by this process because what ends up happening is you are paying your merchant a monthly fee – often around $20 plus the 2-3% fee per transaction, and Authorize.net charges an additional $20 – $30 per month for their services.

There has to be a better, more convenient way to do all of this online stuff, right?!?! Well, there is. PayPal, whom most know as those people you use to buy stuff on eBay has a significant amount of merchant services. PayPal will act as both your merchant and your gateway all for one inclusive price of $30 a month. This is not PayPal in the traditional sense either. PayPal has an API which allows you to process credit cards on your website without customers knowing that PayPal is acting like the merchant. Customers never leave your website. Another plus is if you are a new business just getting off the ground, PayPal does not even require a tax ID number to setup your account (although it is highly advisable to register your business – I’m just a blogger, not a tax attorney – I digress). Now you may be thinking I just saved $10 a month and I only have to deal with PayPal, not two different companies, so what’s the question – PayPal it is! Not so fast.

As I mentioned earlier that 2 – 3% you’re paying on every charge – that adds up. If you choose PayPal as your merchant provider, then it REALLY adds up. PayPal charges slightly over 3% per transaction on all Visa, Mastercard and Amex charges. For those familiar with Amex, they tend to dictate their own rules and no matter whom your merchant provider is you will be locked in to a rate somewhere around 3%. However, Visa and Mastercard tend to be much more flexible often offering terms around 2% (sometimes a bit lower or higher) for online charges depending on which merchant you choose. This means if your process $1000 in sales a month online, that 10 bucks you just saved with PayPal as you merchant is gone, because a traditional merchant would have only cost you $20 at 2% (on top of your monthly fees) and PayPal has taken $30 or 3%. Not to bore you with too much math, but at $2000 of gross sales PayPal would take $60, a traditional merchant, $40.

As you can see, unless you sell less than about $500 a month in goods or rely heavily on American Express sales, the PayPal route, while surely more convenient to setup will cost you more money in the long run in per charge transaction fees. Feel free to email me with any comments about credit card processing. It can be confusing at times, but well worth knowing what you’re getting into.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Credit Card Processing Lies

Experts claim that the average American family can significantly improve their quality of life with a $300 per month pay increase. Therefore, it’s no wonder why more Americans start a business in order to gain tax breaks and to make more money. For these same people, part of running a business comes with the job of accepting credit cards. Unfortunately, along with accepting credit, many business owners are losing $300 or more each month in credit card processing fees, unnecessarily.

So, where does the bank credit card processing money go? Much of this profit goes into the hands of the processing companies and the representative. Even more money goes into those hands when there is a lack of knowledge by the business owner. Merchant service providers make greater profits each time a credit card is processed incorrectly. Small mistakes due to lack of training causes higher fees. It’s for this reason that I have a problem with some credit card processing companies and the lies that are being advertised.

#1 Your Told It’s A Discount Rate

First of all, the discount rate isn’t a discount for a business owner. It’s not a savings. Think about it. Have you ever wondered why you scream and holler if a Mortgage Agent were to quote you 2% percentage points in fees today. However, when a Merchant Services Agent walks into your restaurant or store and shows you the small 1.89% discount rate you barely flinch. Why is that? could it be because the word discount makes you feel less abused? Do you feel like it’s a necessary evil to sacrifice a percentage of your money to provide a convenience for your customers who refuse to carry cash?

#2 Getting Only One Percentage Rate

The biggest and most popular credit card processing myth being advertised is, claiming the “discount” swiped rate is the only fee a small business is going to pay. More times than not, if you shop around for merchant services, you are only going to be given one percentage rate and the authorization fee. This is absolutely false. Discount rate is really made up of three parts – the qualified, mid-qualified and the non-qualified fees – charged as percentages. These terms represent the level of risk, in fees, a company will pay per transaction. The highest risk transaction type is the non-qualified fee. A qualified rate is charged for swiped transactions where the credit card is physically present and passed through the machine for payment. Also, each of these levels of fees can vary from one merchant provider to the next. In addition, depending on how your statement is written, your fees may not be what you think they are.

Therefore, there is no way to get an honest quote on processing rates by simply calling around and asking “What are your rates?” The only way to receive the best merchant rate is to have a experienced professional – like myself – analyze at least your past recent statements. Plus, you have to have all the information made available to you. This means you need to ask for all of the credit card processing rates and fees that will affect your business. Contact me and I’ll tell you what to ask for. By looking at what types and the number of transactions occurring each month, a professional can estimate future transactions and then offer the best rate based on the risk involved and costs associated with handling those sales. By accepting the lowest and cheapest quote without a statement analysis is like gambling…with the house always winning. If you’re shopping around, get your statement reviewed before you sign an agreement.

If you are a new business owner with no past processing history and statements to review, you may not get the very best rates because no history has been established yet. However, based on what similar businesses are doing, your rates can be priced fairly accurately the first time by someone who knows what they are doing. I usually setup first-timers on a standard but low pricing schedule and then review their accounts later to see where they can save money.

#3 The Amazingly Cheap Processing Rates

It’s only natural that business owners search for better merchant rates by shopping around. However, buying a better merchant account service isn’t as easy as visiting a wholesale merchant warehouse – like Sams or Costco. Plus, by simply responding to postcard ads, that can potentially cost you more money too. For example, online you can easily locate advertised rates like 1.19% per transaction. Unfortunately, these number are misleading. By making a phone call and probing such offers, a responsible advertiser will eventually confess that these rates are actually for debit card or bank check card transactions, not for regular credit card sales. The normal rate should be around 1.7% + 25 cents per transaction. This type of switch-and-bait scheme is even being done by well-known processing companies. Sorry, but for legal reasons I can’t say which institutions.

Tip: Keep a close eye on the words used in advertisements for payment cards. Terms like Visa bank card or bank credit card are sometimes used to confuse you into thinking your getting a low credit card processing rate. In fact, they are advertising the DEBIT rate. Which for your business may not make a difference. Therefore, you may sign up for an even higher rate. Look at the contract and ask to see the Tier List that shows the fees. If they don’t or won’t provide you with the tiers within your contract, beware. Contact me and I’ll show you what you need.

Confusion, lies and an over abundance of suppliers makes most business owners feeling frustrated. Getting approached by merchant salespeople is almost as annoying as receiving telemarketing calls in the 1980’s. On top of it all, overpricing and charging for many services that can be free is quite common.

Just last week, a small business restaurant owner noticed I was in the credit card processing industry while looking at my credit card, as I was paying. She asked me how much it would cost to add a tip line to her receipts. I replied that it would free of charge and should only take about 15 minutes to setup. Her jaw almost dropped to the ground. She couldn’t believe it. She went on to explain that her credit card processing Agent asked for a $350 fee to add this feature.

Have You Bought A Machine That Contains Rocks?

Stories of overpricing are not surprising to me any longer. I hear about them every day. Of all the calls I receive daily, 30% of them contain some type of bad experience. Representatives have done things like change merchant application fees after the fact. Bad reps have sold credit card machines that are actually empty or filled with rocks. I’m not kidding. One client bought a brand new looking, clean and shiny terminal, only to discover that something rattling inside was rocks.

So, what’s a business owner suppose to do to protect themselves? For one, merchants should call the representatives processing company and ask to verify their relationship. Ask for the name of the nearest business reference or locate the nearest Better Business Bureau. Look to see if any issues were attempted to be resolved. As long as the representative or his company attempts to resolve problems, that’s a good sign. Plus, get your past statements analyzed first if you have any.

Ask a merchant salesperson as many questions as you can. There is never a dumb question. Any legitimate representative will invest as long as it takes to educate you. The best type of sales Agents try to use simple terms and give definitions for the terminology. I for one try to help my clients understand how a sale will occur and how the money and transaction flows from the credit card, through the machine by telephone, to the processor and eventually back into the bank account within 48 business hours.

As for me, it’s important you understand what steps must be taken to avoid any delays. More important is training clients, so transactions don’t generate higher fees by making simple mistakes. By the time my customers get off the phone, they are 99.9% as equally educated as I am about credit card processing.

Proper training is important because you, the business owner, will be the instructor for your cashiers. Therefore, it’s important to explain how you can save money and avoid unnecessary fees by following correct steps many of the other merchant companies will skip over. The unfortunate fact is, many competitors leave out easy instructions, because skipping steps adds higher fees to a credit card sale.

Ralph Prado is a Credit Card Processing Expert with over 20 years of business experience. His expertise is in merchant account services and credit card processing equipment. Visit him online at his site for Credit Card Processing

Sunday 13 December 2009

How to Apply for Merchant Accounts

How to Apply for Merchant Accounts

Have you ever wondered what it would take to apply for merchant account benefits? Everyone knows how much profit a company can make when it allows customers to pay with a credit card instead of simply cash or a check. Perhaps you thought it was just the large corporations that were eligible to process credit card payments. The truth is that any respectable entrepreneur can apply for a merchant services account by finding a lender, choosing the right terms, and completing an application.

When you apply for merchant account status, you need to find a suitable lender. Don’t let a fly-by-night company take advantage of you and pocket your company’s investment. Carefully check out the lenders that seem most trustworthy and get in touch with a representative to discuss fees and terms. You can learn a lot by interacting with the customer service rep. He or she may come across as pushy in trying to get you to buy things you don’t really want or need. Or you may feel as though the account that is described for you may seem too pricey for your business budget. Be frank in explaining what you can and cannot afford. Have a budget on hand that spells out investment limits so you don’t bite off more than you can chew. Just as people can go overboard with credit card debt, businesses can get in over their heads with company debt.

To actually apply for merchant account benefits is pretty easy. After finding the lender you want to work with, click on the Website link that takes you to the application screen. Then complete the form, although you may want to contact a company representative if you don’t know how to answer any of the questions. Find out first if there is an application fee, and if so, you may want to first look for another lender who doesn’t charge this fee before you decide whether to go with this company. After submitting the application, you may expect to hear back in a few days, and if approved, you can set up credit payment options right away.

Many business owners who apply for merchant account status do so because they realize it confers a higher level of professionalism and sophistication to their business. We all are a little bit more impressed with the company that accepts credit card payments than one, perhaps, that does not. That is because we somehow intuitively understand that the technological means of processing credit payments suggests that a higher financial authority is supporting the company behind the scenes, thereby meriting our trust and respect. Credit payment processing options like wireless and digital systems as well as a company Website suggest that this vendor is serious about doing a good job for customers and about making the business successful.

You don’t have to be a bystander along the highway of commercial success. Get going and get growing! Impress your customers and increase your profits when you apply for merchant account benefits.

What Is A Good Payment Gateway Slash Merchant Account Solution?

What Is A Good Payment Gateway Slash Merchant Account Solution?

I am looking for a payment solution for my e-commerce shop. I am interested in a gateway / merchant accounts combo.
I have heard of Total Merchant Services.
I really need some recommendation.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Successful Ecommerce Processing Means Effective Credit Card Processing

Successful Ecommerce Processing Means Effective Credit Card Processing
The emergence of the Internet in everyday life has helped to not only enhance personal communication and growth, but has had a dramatic effect upon how modern day commerce is conducted. Once limited by physical retail locations, business entrepreneurs first attempted broadening a consumer market through products advertised for long distance sale and shipping in magazines, newspapers, catalogues, radio and television as communication technology evolved.

This evolution produced today’s Internet and a new host of commerce opportunities commonly known as e-commerce. This process usually involves a website where goods and services are offered and payment for these in a variety of ways including credit cards. The e-commerce processing of product and or service payments is essential for the success of any online “e-tailer.” Therefore, online merchants have to pay particular attention when choosing a credit card processing system.

There are a number of factors that need to be considered when making a choice for your e-commerce processing. One area that needs careful consideration are the array of different fees accompanying any type of credit card processing especially online.

Bank And Card Company Fees

Even if your bank handles the transaction – it is important to make sure that a registered service provider performs the necessary relay connection. Be wary of service providers charging exorbitant fees – sometimes up to 5 percent. The card company also charges the merchant a fee when depositing funds into their account. Most often, fees will be based on your prospective annual usage either determined based on your prior experience or based on industry standards. Other fees, or charges, may have some negotiable aspect determining the amount.


Credit card processing equipment can run from simple models for a few hundred dollars to extremely sophisticated computer operated systems requiring proprietary software. Equipment costs should also include whatever conveyance used to transmit like the Internet or a separate telephone line.
Buying speed

Negotiations may include fees based on a sliding scale determined by the amount of time it takes for you customer’s money to appear in your account. Some added-on monthly fees “allow” merchants to choose a variety of “lag” times available from the exact point-of-purchase time to when you, the business owner, can spend this money. The quicker the “lag’ time, the larger the fee. Keep in mind that the processor must pay a fee to the credit card company that sometimes is attempted to be recouped through “other” type fees not associated with this cost. Select a “registered” provider to ensure you aren’t being charged hidden fees. Be careful to read all the fine print notices and ask all the questions needed to get that information to make a wise choice.

Always check out incidental fees like termination costs because most contracts follow an industry standard of three years. Additionally, check to see what fees are charged for processing items other than credit and debit cards like gift certificates or checks.

More from: merchant solutions llc

Monday 7 December 2009

What’s the Best Online Merchant Accounts?

What’s the Best Online Merchant Accounts?

There’s a huge number of companies out there that are offering Internet merchant accounts, but if you are doing business on the Internet and you want to be successful, you need to discount the vast majority of them because they can do more harm than good.

Firstly some companies are not completely straightforward about the rates they charge. this can be dangerous. The rate for processing card payments on the Internet are more than for face to face transaction so you must be very careful when it comes to working out rate costs, or you can end up paying significantly more than you thought.

The only type of company you should sign up with is one that can offer you a full consultation on exactly what your fee structure will be.

The correct Payment gateway is also very important and the best option for you will depend on the nature and size of you business requirements. Only the best companies will be able to offer a range of choices to fit all different needs.

Contract length is also extremely important. Being made to sign a long term contract is not necessary and there are excellent merchant account providers out there that will let their customers work on a month to month rolling contract, but still the majority of the industry persists with long contracts averaging 2 years in length.

Finally, also vital is the need for excellent technical back up and customer support. If you can’t get the right support then you can’t make sales, so getting this right has to be a priority. Don’t settle for a company that cannot provide dedicated customer service, sales support and technical support teams to administer your account.

More from: merchant solutions llc

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Merchant Account Fees You Can Avoid

Merchant Accounts Fees You Can Avoid
While shopping for an online merchant accounts it can be pretty hard for laymen to understand the countless costs, rates, fees, and other expenses charged by most merchant service providers. Most of these charges are absolutely legitimate but there are a few that are unnecessary and should be avoided. This includes charges like Gateway Fee, Swipe Terminal Hardware Fee, Programming Fee, Batch Fee/Daily Close-out Fee, Annual Fee, Reserve Fund, Termination/Cancellation Fees, Foreign Card surcharges. Let’s understand what these charges are and how they needlessly add to your expenses.

• Gateway Fee: you may be charged $10-$30 by your merchant account processor for processing credit cards in real time.

• Wipe Terminal Hardware Fee – This basically includes the cost of terminal hardware used in retail transactions. They can expensive and can cost up to $300. If your requirements are simple avoid going the high tech terminal machines.

• Programming Fee – Some service providers charge up to $100 from businessmen who keep changing service providers. You should never agree to pay programming fees.

• Batch Fee/Daily Close-out Fee – Some companies charge a small daily fee of 10 to 20 cents for batching your transactions. This can easily be avoided by shopping for another provider.

• Chargeback Fee – Some merchant service providers charge an obscenely high amount each time a charge is refused by a customer. It may pay off to look for a lower chargeback fee.

• Annual Fee – Annual services have absolutely no justification and are an out an out excuse for minting money by service providers. The annual fees charged by service providers may be as much as $100 per year year.

These are a number of other charges used by service providers to increase their bottom lines and decrease yours. By logging onto Advanced Merchant Services and applying for a merchant account you can easily avoid all these charges. Let’s take the example of termination/cancellation fees. AMS won’t make you sign expensive contracts that will bind you to the company. Advanced Merchant Accounts, has complete confidence in the quality of its services and doesn’t need a punitive contract to keep its customers. Moreover Advanced Merchant Services also gives a free credit card terminal to all people applying for a merchant account. This gives you the option not paying hundreds of dollars for a hardware terminal. There are several other charges that you can avoid with AMS. So log on to www.merchant-accounts.com and discover the benefits of our service.

More from: merchant solutions llc

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Why Outsourced Payment Processing?

Payment processing for online businesses in-house can be complex and trying even in the best of times. And as your company grows, things can only get worse. For this reason, outsourcing has become a popular option in recent years. But the question that begs to be asked is: is it worth it?

Consider the current state of online commerce. Digital information constantly crosses the Internet, delivering knowledge, services, and personal information to those that need it. Then again, there are plenty of people of the criminal persuasion who are constantly on the lookout for poorly guarded information, and know what to do with it once they’ve got it.

Are you prepared for such an event? In the course of running your daily business and dealing with the constant minutia of immediate problems, have you done everything possible to guard against the possibility of a security intrusion?

Criminals are depending on the likelihood that you haven’t.

Outsourced payment processing, however helps you eliminate that risk. Companies that specialize in processing credit cards should generally also specialize in keeping it safe.

In other words, security is one of the most important reasons to choose outsourced payment processing solutions, but you need to make sure that the company you choose has your security as their number one priority.

The next thing to expect from your payment processing company is the knowledge and experience that would require too much time and hassle for you to gain on your own. The learning curve for staying current with industry trends can be steep and unforgiving. But outsourced payment processing means that you can leave that requirement to the people who work constantly at staying on the cutting edge of the industry.

Also consider the current regulations mandated by the major credit card companies for security compliance. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard was devised as a means of encouraging merchants to improve their security around credit card information. Any merchant that stores, processes, or transfers credit card numbers is required to become PCI compliant. Failure to do so can result in stiff fines and the loss of the ability to accept credit cards.

The PCI DSS has over 200 individual controls that are designed to ensure a certain level of security. They are very necessary, but at the same time can be very time consuming and difficult to implement. Outsourced payment processing, on the other hand, can help you reach compliance by satisfying many of the PCI requirements.

These reasons only scratch the surface of why outsourced payment processing is a good choice. Dealing with payment processing in-house means you have to be set up for, and able to deal with, a myriad of problems such as: selecting and setting up the merchant account bank, installing secure gateways, ensuring that you have enough hosting capacity for your order pages and shopping cart.

We’re not done yet, though. Don’t forget the hardware and software installs and the constant upgrades, maintenance, IT support, and other costs that just keep building on themselves. You have to be ready to handle returns and chargebacks, and provide a customer support service to deal with calls about credit card charges. And on top of all this, you have to be on the lookout for fraudulent transactions as well as regular criminal intrusions.

If these requirements are starting to build a sense of dread for you, that was the point. Many companies choose to attempt in-house solutions without fully realizing the implications.

Outsourced payment processing, if you take the time to research and find the right company, can help you eliminate all that hassle while simultaneously improving the security and services you can offer your customers.

From: merchant accounts

Thursday 22 October 2009

Metro Credit Cards

Metro Credit Cards
Unlike most credit card processing companies offering merchant
services, Veritrans treats its customers like family. With no fine
print, no hidden costs or fees, and superior quality service, Veritrans
is rapidly becoming one of the most popular processors on the market.
Unlike most credit card processing companies offering merchant
services, Veritrans treats its customers like family. With no fine
print, no hidden costs or fees, and superior quality service, Veritrans
is rapidly becoming one of the most popular processors on the market.
Unlike most credit card processing companies offering merchant
services, Veritrans treats its customers like family. With no fine
print, no hidden costs or fees, and superior quality service, Veritrans
is rapidly becoming one of the most popular processors on the market.
Unlike most credit card processing companies offering merchant
services, Veritrans treats its customers like family. With no fine
print, no hidden costs or fees, and superior quality service, Veritrans
is rapidly becoming one of the most popular processors on the market.

Omni VX510 LE

Omni VX510 LE

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
complete solution for only $129 – brand new.
The Omni VX510LE is an all-in-one compact credit card processing terminal that will fit the needs of any retailer. A built-in thermal printer will keep your lines moving quickly. The terminal is known for its user-friendly interface and supports all of the latest

security standards. Ideal for business owners looking to accept credit, debit, EBT, and gift card transactions.
Have it for free!
If you open a new merchant account with Merchant Solutions, LLC, we will place an Omni VX 510 LE terminal at your place of business for as long as the account is active. Your merchant account comes complete with exceptional 24/7 customer support, competitive pricing, and no setup fees.

Omni VX570

Omni VX570
A complete solution for only $129 – brand new.
The Omni VX570 is an all-in-one compact credit card processing terminal that will fit the needs of any retailer. A built-in thermal printer will keep your lines moving quickly. The terminal is known for its user-friendly interface and supports all of the latest

security standards. Ideal for business owners looking to accept credit, debit, EBT, and gift card transactions.
Have it for great value!
If you open a new merchant account with Merchant Solutions, LLC, we will place an Omni VX 570 terminal at your place of business for as long as the account is active. Your merchant account comes complete with exceptional 24/7 customer support, competitive pricing, and no setup fees.

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Free Credit Card Processing Accounts & Merchant Accounts Services

Call 1 (866) 326-3480 or simply answer the questions below to get started.

Free Credit Card Processing Accounts & Merchant Accounts Services

Does your business currently accept Credit Cards ?

Are you currently in need of Credit Cards processing equipment?

How much do you currently accept, or anticipate accepting, in monthly charges?

Accept Credit Cards Payments

Merchant Solutions offers a total payment processing solution for any company that wants to accept Credit Cards payments and reach a much larger customer base. Our full line of products allows you to begin accepting Credit Cards , and if you already accept Credit Cards we can help you lower your rates. We offer all the products and services you need to set up a reliable system for accepting Credit Cards , including credit and debit card processing, EBT, Check Guarantee and Conversion, a Custom Gift Card Program, and a Merchant Cash Advance program.

Whether you’re looking for solutions that allow you to accept Credit Cards by phone or to take care of online Credit Cards processing, Merchant Solutions has the answer for you. We are dedicated to helping retailers find the ideal business solutions for all their Credit Cards needs. Accepting Credit Cards doesn’t have to be complicated. Merchant Solutions makes it quick and easy to use these tools whether your business is large or small, mobile or home-based, or brick and mortar or online.

Our Credit Cards processing services include: retail merchant accounts, Internet or PC processing, home based processing, wireless Credit Cards processing, and mail order and telephone order processing. We also offer a range of services such as a merchant cash advance, Credit Cards terminals, pin pads, PC software, and more. We have the products and services to help you accept Credit Cards for lower fees and without the headache of other systems.

Merchant Solutions is the affordable way to accept Credit Cards payments from your customers. We can help you find the right plan to take care of your needs and provide you with all the equipment and resources you need to continue accepting Credit Cards . We believe in maintaining long term, productive relationships with our clients, and providing you with the Credit Cards processing solutions you need.